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New Chambers offers positions to new readers each year. Reading programmes commence in May and September of each year, after the conclusion of the bar practice course.

Readership positions are offered for a twelve month period.

Successful candidates receive accommodation for that period without charge (other than for usual practice disbursements).

New Chambers also has chambers available to license. Usually, a license of at least 12 months is offered to readers at the conclusion of their readership year. New Chambers does not have an Annex. All members, licensees and readers are co-located at our premises on levels 33 and 34 of 126 Phillip Street. We believe that this arrangement is important for the development of readers and the cohesiveness of the chambers.

Typically, the members of New Chambers refer a large volume of work to the readers. Accordingly, successful applicants for readership will have experience or interest in practice areas that align with the existing members.

Many members of New Chambers have come through our readership programme, either directly or after a period of licensing chambers. The readership programme is regarded as an integral and important part of chambers. Our readers are required to have one member of New Chambers as their tutor. A tutor must be a barrister of seven years standing (unless special dispensation is obtained from the Bar Association) who is not senior counsel. The Clerk can assist in identifying an appropriate tutor and prospective readers may also contact members of New Chambers directly.

How to apply

Reader positions at New Chambers are in high demand.

Applicants for a reader position in 2026 should apply in writing to the Clerk by no later than 1 November 2024.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply as early as possible, as offers may be made earlier than the closing date.

Applications should include a current curriculum vitae, relevant academic transcripts and contact details for any referee. All applications will be treated confidentially.

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