The third annual Sybil Morrison Lecture is being held on Wednesday September 29th at 5:30pm via Zoom. The annual lecture is a celebration of the life of Sybil Morrison, the first woman to practise at the New South Wales Bar and is being hosted by the Diversity and Equality Committee of the NSW Bar Association.
This year the lecture will be given by New Chambers’ Winnie Liu who will honour the Honourable Mary Gaurdron QC and her significant contribution to the law, the first woman to be appointed as a justice of the High Court of Australia. Winnie was the winner of the 2021 Katrina Dawson Award.
The event will be chaired by the Governor of NSW, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC with introductory remarks made by Naomi Sharp SC.
Registration to the event is open to NSW Bar Association members and can be found here.