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Whos Who Legal 2023

Who’s Who Legal have published their lists for 2023 and New Chambers congratulates the following members on their inclusion:

Neil Young KC

Global Leader – Competition 2023;

National Leader Australia & NZ – Competition 2023; Arbitration 2023

Gregory Nell SC – Thought Leader Global Elite

Global Leader – Transport – Aviation Contentious 2023; Transport 2023 – Shipping

National Leader -Australia & N Z – Arbitration 2023; Australia & NZ – Transport – Aviation 2023; Australia & NZ – Transport – Shipping 2023

Tony Fitzgerald AC KC

National Leader -Australia & NZ – Commercial Mediation 2023

David Bloom KC

National Leader -Australia & NZ – Corporate Tax 2023

Chris Peadon

National Leader -Australia & NZ – Corporate Tax 2023

Dominic Villa SC – Thought Leader

National Leader -Australia & NZ – Sports & Entertainment 2023

Catherine Gleeson

Global Leader -Transport – Shipping 2023

National Leader -Australia & NZ – Arbitration 2023, Australia & NZ – Transport – Shipping 2023

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