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Bar Association 2020/21 Committees

The New South Wales Bar Association has recently published the membership lists of each Bar Association committee. This year the Bar Council has approved the creation of two new committees, the Inquiries and Inquests Committee and the Climate Change Law Panel.

The 2020/21 committees will formally commence on 20 July 2020.

New Chambers would like to congratulate the following members on their committee appointments.

Kate Eastman SC – Diversity and Equality Committee (Chair); Accessibility Panel

Dominic Villa SC and Catherine Gleeson – Bar News Committee

Miles Condon SC and Sonia Tame – Diversity and Equality Committee

Emma Beechey and Matt Karam – Costs and Fees Committee

Jesse Kennedy – Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee

Christopher Peadon– Practice Development Committee

Karen Petch and Nicholas Bentley – New Barristers Committee

A note from the President and a full list of committees and members can be accessed here.

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