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NSW Bar Association Committees 2024-2025

The 2024-2025 NSW Bar Association Committee list has been announced and New Chambers has the following members serving on committees this year:

Bar News Committee – Catherine Gleeson SC (Chair), Dominic Villa SC, Nicholas Bentley

Costs and Fees Committee – David Robertson

Diversity and Equality Committee – Karen Petch, Winnie Liu

Education Committee – Hayley Bennett

Inquests and Inquiries – Greg O’Mahoney

Practice Development Committee – Greg O’Mahoney, Courtney Ensor

Succession and Protective Law – Hayley Bennett (Deputy Chair)

PCC#1 – Catherine Gleeson SC

PCC#2 – Caspar Conde, Emma Beechey, Daniel Habashy

PCC#3 – Anthony McInerney SC

PCC#4 – Kate Eastman AM SC (Co-Chair), Dominic Villa SC (Co-Chair)

The full committee list can be found here: List of NSW Bar Committee Members 2024-2025

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