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Amy Reid

Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) – Bond University
Bachelor of Arts – Bond University
ARITA Advanced Certification in Insolvency


Admitted to the Bar 2020


Amy has a wide-ranging practice, with particular experience in commercial law, corporate insolvency and corporations law matters. Amy also has experience acting in complex regulatory investigations and proceedings, including privacy investigations in relation to significant data breaches. Since coming to the bar, Amy’s clients have included large commercial organisations, insolvency practitioners and insurers, as well as regulators and government bodies including the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Australian Information Commissioner, the Australian Taxation Office and the Australian Federal Police.

Prior to being called to the bar, Amy was an Associate at MinterEllison in Sydney, working in the litigation and insolvency team. During her time as a solicitor, Amy advised and acted for major financial institutions, insolvency practitioners, corporations and government bodies in relation to domestic insolvency proceedings, complex debt recovery proceedings, regulatory investigations, competition disputes, corporations law matters and general commercial litigation.

Principal Areas of Practice

  • Commercial Law See all +Close -
    • Appellate
    • Banking and Financial Services
    • Bankruptcy and Insolvency
    • Building, Construction and Technology
    • Class Actions
    • Competition and Consumer
    • Contracts
    • Corporations and Securities
    • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Equity See all +Close -
    • Appellate
    • Property
    • Trusts
  • Inquests and Inquiries See all +Close -
    • Commissions of Inquiry
  • Public and Administrative Law See all +Close -
    • Proceeds of crime


Banks & Financial Services, Government, Funds, Healthcare, Real Estate, Technology, Media & Telecommunications,

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