Home / Barristers / Matt Karam

Matt Karam

Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) - University of Canterbury
Bachelor of Commerce - University of Canterbury


Admitted to the Bar 2007 (NZ); 2014 (NSW)


Matt specialises principally in commercial, insolvency and insurance litigation. He appears regularly led and unled in complex disputes in the State Supreme Courts and Federal Court at first instance and appellate level. Matt also has an extensive practice in the areas of professional negligence and sports law.

Matt is often briefed to appear in urgent interlocutory applications, including in corporations and insolvency matters such as applications for freezing orders, search orders, appointments of provisional liquidators well as in relation to restraint of trade issues and property disputes.

Principal Areas of Practice

  • Commercial Law See all +Close -
    • Appellate
    • Banking and Financial Services
    • Bankruptcy and Insolvency
    • Contracts
    • Corporations and Securities
    • Cross-border Insolvency
    • Insurance and Reinsurance
    • Mining resources and energy
    • Partnership disputes
    • Professional liability
    • Restraint of trade
    • Sports law
    • Trade Practices
  • Common Law See all +Close -
    • Appellate
    • Defamation
    • Insurance and Reinsurance
    • Professional indemnity
    • Professional liability
    • Sports law
  • Criminal See all +Close -
    • White collar and corporate crime
  • Equity See all +Close -
    • Appellate
    • Property
    • Trusts
  • Industrial/Employment See all +Close -
    • Restraint of trade


Banks & Financial Services, Funds, Primary Resources, Technology, Media & Telecommunications,

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